Upcyling: From Cans to Container Gardens!


Start time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Maximum number of people: 25

This project will focus on diverting aluminum cans from the waste stream and repurposing them as sets of planters.  This family-friendly activity will include actions for adults (preparing cans through sanding edges and hammering drainage holes) and kids (drawing labels for cans and creating plant care sheets); once can preparation and decoration is done, education staff from the Inland Empire Resource Conservation District will present an approximately 30-minute all-ages overview on local food, soil health, and importance of pollinator-support species in our yards.  Following the program, it's planting time!  Kids and adults can work together to place drainage rocks, soil, and seeds into containers, and they will be ready to take home!  Snacks and information on local resources will be available at the event for everyone!

Check-in for the event will be from 9 - 9:30, with the activities beginning promptly at 9:30. 


Climate impact project is addressing: 

Instructions for participants: There is plenty of street parking on Oxford Drive within the larger neighborhood; once parked, please proceed to Micah House's property where you will check in with staff including signing safety waivers for you/minor children; grabbing snacks and water; gathering supplies needed from organizers for your individual planting containers; and finding a good place for you/your group to participate!  This activity is child-friendly though there will be activities only adults may complete (such as punching drainage holes in the bottom of cans and sanding sharp edges).  If you have a hammer and/or gloves, please bring them, but we have plenty of extras!  This event is completely free and staffed by bilingual educators experienced working with all ages.  We are excited to welcome you!