Environmental Benefits of Living with Less Clutter
Plymouth Village Pavilion; 900 Salem Dr.; Redlands, CA 92373
Start time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Maximum number of people: 50
Cathy Bates, Owner of Practical Solutions, cathybates@psorganizing.com
www.psorganizing.com, @PSOrganizing
Being organized and owning less stuff helps the environment by reducing emissions produced by factories manufacturing and trucks transporting products we really don't need that end up in a landfill. We will also discuss other tips and tricks to use around the house to reduce waste and protect the earth.
Plymouth Village is partnering with us for this event. Their Environmental and Sustainability Committee will be participating and Practical Solutions will be speaking on how having less stuff is good for the environment.
We hope to empower participants to purchase less and reduce waste in their homes so that they are not only more organized but reducing their impact on the environment.
How living with less stuff is good for the environment Emission from factories and transportation/Less garbage going to the landfill
Climate impact project is addressing:
Rising Carbon Emissions
Instructions for participants: This is a free event. Look for signs as you enter Plymouth Village from Palm or Highland. This event will be outdoors under a covered Pavilion so please dress accordingly.