Smart Landscaping - Save Water, Money and Time

Location: Gateway Ranch, 31313 Live Oak Canyon, Redlands

Start time: 9am-12pm

Maximum number of people: 20


Participant limit has been reached.

This project invites participants to shift their landscaping thinking from typical lawn-based yard to a natural, native vegetation-focused yard, and to explore simple, inexpensive strategies to make the actual change. We'll start with a walk-n-talk through Gateway Garden, the native plant demonstration garden at Gateway Ranch in Live Oak Canyon, followed by the prep, design, and construction launch of a Climate Action Garden at the ranch. All instruction and activities can be applied to the prep, design and construction of the participant's own yard. This hands-on practical workshop will inform participants about how to prep their own yards, lay out their own garden with natural features, select plants most likely to succeed and provide habitat for native wildlife, prep the ground and plants for planting, and care for the plants once in the ground. Presenters will explain the advantages and disadvantages (are there really any?) of native plant gardens. When all is done, the participants will look forward to saving water, money and time.


Climate impact project is addressing:

Instructions for Participants: