Make your Climate Concerns Heard! - Climate Action & Art
Location: Grove Farmers' Market (200 Nevada St, Redlands, CA 92373)
Start time: 9:00am-11:30am
Maximum number of people: 20
Zofia Owerkowicz,
Check out our booth while you shop at the Grove School Farmers Market. You can learn about your local Congressmen and their positions on climate change as well as write postcards to them with your climate concerns. We even have environmental kids' crafts to get all ages involved!
To inform people about how easy it is to make their voices heard, by teaching about who their local Congressmen are, and what their opinions on climate change are. To write cards to Congressmen about their constituents' climate worries.
To involve children in climate issues and incorporate climate knowledge through relevant crafts.
Climate impact project is addressing:
Increasing political action
Instructions for participants: All ages are welcome.