Get Ready for Earth Day 2025!
Redlands will be celebrating on
Saturday, April 26th, 2025!
A Day of Climate Action in Redlands
Protect the Earth and Celebrate the Beauty
Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!
See more pictures from Inaugural Redlands Earth Day, 2023 in Our Picture Gallery.

A Day of Climate Action in Redlands
Imagine! A community-wide Day of Climate Action in Redlands to celebrate Earth Day!
Hundreds of volunteers from every part of town will come together at various locations to engage in projects that will help slow the warming and prepare Redlands for more severe climate impacts. At the end of the morning, we will all come together at Smiley Park behind the library to celebrate the earth with music, information tables, family activities, and food.
Thank you to the members of the 2025 Redlands Earth Day Coalition!
Why Celebrate A Day of Climate Action?
Climate action projects throughout the community will give residents ideas for what they can do as organizations, neighborhoods and families to become more climate resilient. Some projects will give participants hands-on experience; others will be more educational or informational. Residents will benefit from having a chance to get acquainted with other concerned people in our community and seeing that there are things we can do right here where we live to soften the blows of climate impacts and reduce carbon emissions. Whether you participate as a Project Host or a Participant, you don't need to know a lot about climate change. All you need is the concern and the desire to make a difference. This will be a learning opportunity for everyone!
Read more about Local Climate Impacts and our vision of building a climate-resilient community that these projects will address.
How Can You Participate as an Individual?
Climate action projects are being hosted the morning of Saturday, April 26th, by many different groups and organizations in town. Just choose the project you would like to participate in and register through the project's registration link.
At 12:00 pm there will be a community-wide celebration at Smiley Park between the library and the Lincoln Shrine.
How Can Your Group Host a Project?
What does a project host do?
Project Hosts are groups or individuals that choose a project, design and organize it, provide materials needed, and recruit their project's participants. To host a project register HERE.
Project hosts also may have a table at the celebration event at the Redlands Bowl to continue outreach and community engagement.
Earth Day - Then & Now
The first Earth Day was held in 1970 in the U.S. to highlight important environmental issues. It is now a global event with the aim of educating people and encouraging environmental action. The acceleration of climate change has brought new urgency and significance to this annual event, reminding us of what is at stake.
Carbon emissions reached an all-time high in 2024. The impacts are being felt worldwide, including here in Redlands with increasing heat and drought. We are on a dangerous path toward a global temperature increase of more than 2.0C (3.6F). Scientists say that immediate and unprecedented action is needed on all levels. We can start right where we live.